Saturday, July 9, 2016

Sustainable Fishing Methods

Sustainable Fishing Methods

An article by Margo True published on under the title of “Sustainable fishing methods-The facts about dredging,gillnetting, trawling, traps, and more” gives us clues about the right & wrong ways of fishing.

In a world where the resources are being consumed most rapidly, we might, as the responsible consumers, consider some sustainable methods if we wish to continue consuming, keeping in mind that any seafood would spawn for thousands/millions more if not consumed.

Its introduction reads: “Some fishing methods are decidedly unsustainable, but others aren’t so bad, depending on the fishery in which they’re used. Harmful and sometimes harmful methods (for superb illustrations of these, see the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch site):”

Then it lists the harmful methods as
1-      Dredging
2-     Gillnetting
3-     Longlining
4-     Purse seining
5-     Trawling

And it gives better ways of fishing under the title of “SUSTAINABLE METHODS:”
In general, the following methods do no harm to the oceans, but if used improperly, some can.

1-      Hook and lining (also called pole catching)
2-     Harpooning
3-     Traps
4-     Trolling

The article provides detailed description of all the good/bad methods itemized on the list. Good read. Enjoy it here:

Monday, May 23, 2016

Endangered Vaquita Porpoise and Other Species Need Help

Endangered Vaquita Porpoise and Other Species Need Help

Unfortunately, the fishnets used in commercial fishing catch numerous unwanted species and there are many fishermen who act irresponsibly toward them due to the universal cause: Lack of Knowledge.

Worse: the fishnets dropped onto the seabed continue to catch fish and other species for thousands of years.

The good news is that there are some organizations and volunteers trying to raise awareness and push governments to enact laws.

One of them,  Lynn Hamilton, tries to protect endangered vaquita and other species through a petition campaign, which reads:

“The Mexican government has issued a temporary ban on gillnet fishing, but they need to make this law permanent. Please join me in asking President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto to make the temporary ban on gill nets permanent.”

We agree with her and have contentedly signed the petition.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

About Sustainable Fishing

About Sustainable Fishing
Sustainable Fishing aims to provide fishing aficionados with the necessary tips to continue their hobby in a more sustainable manner.
Only few of us know what potential our seas, oceans, and rivers have to offer us and what needs to be done for sustainable fishing.
Do not forget that many other creatures in nature need fish to survive too.
You will explore endless things about nature, fishing, the fishing industry, and fish through constant updates.
Probably, the most important thing to start is to attach more importance to the word  “sustainability,” which is key in many walks of life.