Sunday, March 31, 2019

Importance of reefs and Coral Reef Alliance

Importance of reefs and Coral Reef Alliance

This post has been first published on the blog of our organization at:

Coral reefs are thought to be the most diverse ecosystems and they are highly endangered as most of them are disappearing day by day.
There are numerous benefits of coral reefs, particularly in terms of providing habitat for numerous beings and creating livelihood in coastal areas.
WWF reports that “Coral reefs are home to 25% of all marine life on the planet.” Queensland Museum underlines the benefits of reefs on their website ( that they protect coastlines from the damaging effects of wave action and tropical storms, provide habitats and shelter for many marine organisms, are the source of nitrogen and other essential nutrients for marine food chains, assist in carbon and nitrogen fixing, and help with nutrient recycling.
Coral Reef Alliance is one of the serious nonprofits working for the benefits of corals operating since 1994, the year of its foundation. You can find volunteering opportunities and other ways to help on their website.

Notes of the website
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to conservation, nor is it possible to successfully conserve natural resources without buy-in from the people who are most closely connected to and rely on that resource. CORAL takes a multi-pronged approach to restoring and protecting coral reefs in partnership with the communities living nearest the reefs. Our strategies include:
§  Reducing local threats to reefs, including overfishing, poor water quality, and unsustainable development Learn More
§  Helping communities benefit socially, culturally, and economically from conservation Learn More
§  Improving reef management so those responsible for the creation, enforcement, and durability of protected areas have the tools and financial support they need to be successful Learn More
§  Working directly with the tourism industry to decrease its environmental footprint and to educate visitors about the beauty and importance of coral reefs Learn More
§  Ensuring that what we learn within our project sites has a global impact Learn More

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